Y6 Robinwood Residential - Day 2
Day two at Robinwood has been an incredible experience for Year 6, as our adventures have taken us from tunnels beneath the ground to the skies above us! We have completed assault courses, solved mental puzzles, swung from trapeze and zip wired through the air.
All of our activities have been completed against a backdrop of rain, hail, sleet and snow - as one child commented, “Well we shouldn’t forget the different kinds of precipitation now that we’ve seen them all in one day!”
We’ve visited the Robinwood Tuck Shop and have had our team photos taken. Most importantly, everyone has learnt some new skills and we have also developed some abilities that we already had. Our confidence and resilience have improved, and the love and respect that we have for our Y6 St. Mary’s mates has grown even stronger.
Remember parents, that you can visit our school Twitter page for all the latest video clips of our three Year 6 teams completing their challenges.
Visit our school website again tomorrow for more on our final day at Robinwood.