Welcome to our Governors’ section.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
Message from the Governors
We are delighted to welcome you to our website which we hope provides the necessary information to parents and visitors about how our school is run and the aims and expectations we set ourselves.
St Mary’s values its reputation as a warm and friendly school. With a strong Catholic ethos, it serves as a witness to the Catholic faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and it is from this foundation that the success of our school is built. Our school’s Mission Statement emphasises the value that is placed on the uniqueness of individual pupils, who are encouraged to develop and celebrate their talents and spirituality in order to achieve their full potential as children of God.
Under the outstanding leadership of Mrs Brown and Mr Callaghan, our staff are conscientious and hard-working and ensure that all the children are valued. In our school, we seek to achieve amongst our pupils academic excellence whilst also promoting their emotional, social and spiritual well-being. If you choose to visit our school you will see and hear pupils eager to learn and willing to express their ideas creatively.
The Governors are very committed to supporting Mrs Brown, staff and children, in setting and maintaining very high standards, and in the constant pursuit of improvement. Governors serve on a number of committees and, in addition, have particular areas of responsibility with links to individual classes. Linking up with a class allows us the fantastic opportunity to see directly how the children enjoy their learning at St Mary’s, and also enables us to feel very much a part of the St Mary’s family. The 3 main committees at St Mary’s are Finance, Resources and Staffing, School Effectiveness and Admissions. All governors give their time freely and details of who we are can be seen below.
We are incredibly proud of St Mary’s school and all its achievements. We do hope our website answers many if not all of your questions, but Mrs Brown and the Governing Body are always happy to respond to any concerns or queries you may have.
Governors Vision
At St. Mary’s School we believe in a broad, balanced curriculum to develop each child to their full potential, on their journey to becoming happy and confident individuals. We want children to gain a love of learning in a safe, welcoming environment in partnership with our Teachers, parish, parents and carers with Our Core Values of Jesus Christ central to everything we do.
St. Mary’s Governing Board
The full Governing Board meets five times a year. Each member of the governing Board is also a member of one or more of our committees and may also have a specific area of responsibility. We have committees all of which give feedback to the full governing body:
- Resources: To deal with all matters delegated by the Governing Board regarding, Finance, the school premises and Health and Safety. To deal with matters arising regarding staffing, personnel and pay. Please see the Terms of Reference.
- School effectiveness: To deal with all matters delegated by the Governing Board regarding; Standards in school and Curriculum.
- Admissions: To deal with all matters related to school admissions.
Voting rights
Mr J Bourke – Can vote in sub committees but not in full GBM
These committees meet at least once each term. St. Mary’s Governing Board consists of:
- Local Authority Governor: appointed by the LA
- Parent Governors: 2 parents are elected by other parents at school
- Foundation Governors 7: governors are appointed by the Diocese. These governors represent the views of the Bishop.
- Staff Governors: One governor is elected by the school staff.
- The Headteacher is also a governor.
- Associate Governors 2: Associate members do not form part of the constitution of the governing board of governors. They are additional people who bring useful skills to an aspect of the work of the governing body.
The standard term of office for a governor is four years. The Chair and Vice-Chair are elected annually at the first meeting of the academic year.
The Chair of Governors is Mrs Alison Stones who can be contacted via the school office.
The main Roles of the Governing Board
- Ensuring clarity of the Catholic vision, ethos and strategic direction;
- Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils;
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
Link to statutory guidance-
As a Catholic Voluntary Aided School we also have responsibility for maintaining the Catholic character of our school and ensuring that all our children have the opportunity to know, love and serve almighty God, and develop their full spiritual, moral, academic and physical potential in a caring atmosphere reflecting the true spirit of Christ’s love and compassion.
Governing Body Documents
Governor Statements
Alison Stones
I have been a Governor at St Mary’s school for over thirteen years; initially as a Parent Governor but then I was delighted to become a Foundation Governor. As a practising Catholic, I am committed to working on behalf of our Bishop to promote and maintain the school’s Catholic character and mission ensuring that the whole curriculum, including religious education, ‘is taught in the light of gospel values and actively promotes the spiritual and moral development of the pupils’.
I became part of St Mary’s with my children attending there and during that time I was also an active member of the Parent Teacher Association; including Chairman. I fully support this wonderful school both pupils and staff. There is a warm embracing atmosphere throughout and this is reflective by the children’s successes and behaviour.
I use my employment skills for the Health and Safety and recruitment needs, supporting the Senior Leadership Team and fellow Governors as appropriate.
My spare time interests include a dog, tap dancing, gardening and walking.
I am enjoying every aspect of my Governor role and the journey that this wonderful Catholic school takes me on.
- Appointed : September 2020
- Term of Office: 4 years
- Appointed: Chair/Foundation
- Business, pecuniary or personal interests: None
- Committee: Headteacher's Performance Management, Pupil Disciplinary Appeals, Resources, Staff grievance, discipline and dismissal
- Subject Governor : English, Science and Attendance
Jane Leader
I have been a Foundation Governor at St. Mary’s for over twenty years and my three sons attended the school. It is a privilege to work with such hardworking and dedicated staff and governors who have a wealth of knowledge and experience.
I have been a teacher for 36 years and I’m now retired and look after my granddaughter. I am a trustee of a local Drop-In Centre for the homeless and vulnerable.
I have always had a passion for education and I’m committed to ensuring that the children at this school have a happy and safe environment where they can learn and achieve their full potential.
- Appointed : September 2020
- Term of Office: 4 years
- Appointed: Foundation
- Business, pecuniary or personal interests: Trustee at Salford Loaves and Fishes
- Committee: Admissions, Headteacher's Performance Management, Pupil Discipline, School Effectiveness, Staff grievance, discipline and dismissal appeal
- Subject Governor : PE and Early Years
Orina Hall
I have been on the Governing Board since September 2017 as a Foundation Governor. During this time, I have gained valuable insight into the many facets of running a primary school. I have worked in the housing sector as a Manager for many years and believe that I have a range of skills, including finance, human resources, health and safety that can be utilized to add value to St Mary’s school. I currently sit on the Finance and Resources committee and enjoy contributing and shaping policies ensuring that the school maintains statutory compliance and is financially robust.
Having visited the school as an observer, I am truly impressed by the quality of teaching, challenging children to develop spiritually, socially and academically. I am keen to influence the future direction and support the vision of the school to help St Mary’s grow from strength to strength.
- Appointed : September 2017
- Term of Office: 4 years
- Appointed: Foundation
- Business, pecuniary or personal interests: None
- Committee: Pupil Disciplinary Appeals, Resources
- Subject Governor : Religious Education, Emotionally Friendly Schools
Joe Bourke
I began teaching in 1977, working in a range of schools throughout the northwest, before returning to Salford, where I worked for over thirty years, twenty two of these as Headteacher of a local Catholic School. After retiring, I worked on behalf of Salford Diocese, on a short term basis, as acting head of a number of Catholic schools before being invited to be an Associate Governor at St Mary’s.
I feel honoured to help support such an outstanding school as St Mary’s. The passion of all concerned with the school, is clearly evident, the benefits of which are reflected in the success of the children, who are nurtured in a caring and compassionate community.
Living local, I have always been aware of the high regard in which the school is held within the area. This is due entirely to the highly dedicated professionalism and drive offered by all the staff, backed by supportive parents and a strong Governing Body.
- Appointed : November 2017
- Term of Office: 4 years
- Appointed: Associate
- Business, pecuniary or personal interests: None
- Committee: Admissions, Resources, Staff grievance, discipline and dismissal
- Subject Governor : History and Geography
Suzanne Brown
I have been a member of the Governing Body since 2018. In my role as a staff governor, I attend the Full Governing Body meetings, Resource Committee meetings and the School Effectiveness meetings.
I have been a teacher for many years and now have the position of Headteacher and SENDCO. I have a passion for the arts, previously being the Arts coordinator and I enjoy organising events for the school community. I still teach in class, despite not having my own class due to my roles in school, as I enjoy educating the children very much.
I am delighted to be part of an amazing team of teachers and governors, who strive to make St Mary’s the fantastic school that it is. Our Mission Statement is at the heart of everything we do and plan to do in the future. I look forward to the many opportunities that lay ahead.
- Appointed : October 2020
- Term of Office: 4 years
- Appointed: Staff
- Business, pecuniary or personal interests: None
- Committee: Resources, School Effectiveness
Shelley Kinman
I have been a member of the Governing Body since 2018. I have been a teacher for many years and now have the position of Assistant Headteacher, Assessment coordinator, Curriculum coordinator and Complaints coordinator for St Mary’s R.C. Primary School.
I am proud to be part of a fantastic team of teachers and governors, who put every effort into the well being and education of the children in their care. I am excited to play an active leadership role in the school’s future and to help contribute to the opportunities that lay ahead.
- Appointed : October 2020
- Term of Office: 4 years
- Appointed: Staff
- Business, pecuniary or personal interests: None
- Committee: School Effectiveness
Peter Farley
I have recently been appointed as a Foundation Governor. I am a practising catholic. I am retired but have years of experience in a bookkeeping/accounting role within a Limited Company. I also have a number of years experience as a Foundation Governor in another primary school having been on their finance committee. I have been made very welcome by both Staff and Governors and look forward to supporting the school in the future.
- Appointed : September 2018
- Term of Office: 4 years
- Appointed: Foundation
- Business, pecuniary or personal interests: None
- Committee: Resources, Staff grievance, discipline and dismissal appeal
Shelley Hennessey
I am Shelley Hennessey and I am pleased, and proud, to have been appointed a governor at St Marys. I am a primary school teacher and have always been interested in supporting the school after seeing the impact the staff have on the children first hand. I have two children, one who still attends St Mary's and one who has moved on to high school. Both boys love St Mary's school thanks to the education they receive and the caring Catholic community that they are part of. The St Marys values stand for everything that I believe in and I am looking forward to working with everyone to go from strength to strength.
- Appointed : January 2022
- Term of Office: 4 years
- Appointed: Vice Chair
- Business, pecuniary or personal interests: one child attends the school
- Committee: School Effectiveness
- Subject Governor : Mathematics, Computing and Safeguarding
Charles Magee
As a Foundation Governor I am committed to Catholic education and promoting Gospel Values. I have been working with young people in the parish for a number of years and welcome opportunities to celebrate their creativity and voice. I have recently retired from full time teaching myself and look forward to supporting the staff, pupils and parents of St Mary’s.
- Appointed : September 2023
- Term of Office: 4 years
- Appointed: Foundation Governor
- Business, pecuniary or personal interests: None
- Committee: School Effectiveness