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St Mary's R.C.

Primary School

Rooted in the Gospel Values and the vision of Saint Mary. Saint Mary tells us "God is love and He loves us as we are."

Attendance and Punctuality

We expect all the children on roll to attend every day, when the school is in session, as long as they are fit and healthy enough to do so. We do all we can to encourage the children to attend, and to put in place appropriate procedures if they do not attend. We believe that the most important factor in promoting good attendance is development of positive attitudes towards school. To this end we strive to make our school a happy and rewarding experience for all children. We will reward those children whose attendance is very good. We will also make the best provision we can for those children who, for whatever reason, are prevented from coming to school.


Under the Education (pupil Registration) Regulations 1995 the governing body is responsible for making sure the school keeps an attendance register that records which pupils are present at the start of both the morning and the afternoon sessions of the school day. This register will also indicate whether an absence was authorised or unauthorised.


All of a child’s absences from school are classified as either ‘authorised’ or ‘unauthorised’. An authorised absence is where legitimate reasons have been given to school and the absence is classed as unavoidable. An unauthorised absence may be where no reason for the absence is offered to school, where a child plays truant or where the reason offered for the absence is not genuine or is avoidable.


Parents/Carers are asked to contact school by letter, phone or in person to give a reason for any absence. This should be done as soon as possible once the absence has begun. On return from an absence, a note explaining why your child was off school needs to be handed into school. Following this notification, we can only authorise an absence in genuine cases of:


  1. Sickness
  2. Emergency medical or dental treatments
  3. Hospital appointments
  4. Family emergencies


Did you know?
If your child is absent for 2 weeks in the school year this means that your child could miss whole topics in English and Mathematics.


It is very difficult to make this learning time up.


Where a child has lots of ‘odd days’ off school, parents can often be unaware of the impact this has on his/her education.


These children often make slower progress than other children in their age group.


Under new legislation from DFE holidays during term time are not permitted except in exceptional circumstances under the discretion of the Headteacher. Unauthorised holidays taken during term time will result in £60 fine per pupil per parent. If the fine is not paid within 21 days, the fine will increase to £120. If a child’s absence has been recorded as sickness but is later proven than an unauthorised holiday has been taken, a fine can also be issued after the child returns to school. (This applies to children of statutory school age ie the term after their 5th birthday).


Following Salford City Council guidelines if your child has 10 sessions (5 days) of unauthorised absences in a year, you will be issued with a fixed penalty notice of £60. The issuing of a penalty notice is considered appropriate.


Attendance Concerns


The Headteacher discusses attendance concerns with the EWO each term. Poor attendance is carefully monitored by the school. Where attendance is a concern (it falls below 90% level) parents will be alerted by letter.


If attendance does not improve or falls below 90% parents will be invited into school to discuss the concern.


Where attendance drops to 80% or below parents and the Educational Welfare Officer will be invited into school so that ways to improve the situation can be swiftly sought.


If parents do not respond to letters, the Educational Welfare will be contacted immediately.




We need to work together to ensure your child can access it.


Where parents have concerns or family difficulties which affect attendance please contact school to discuss how we can support you.


Where children have 100% attendance over a term or show a record of improving attendance children will be rewarded certificates/badges.


The class with the highest termly attendance is rewarded.




It is crucial that children arrive for school in time to line up with the rest of the children. Parents must take responsibility for getting children to school on time.


We encourage all children to arrive slightly before the bell at 8:55 am. Late arrivals can have already missed out on an important part of the day. Learning begins immediately. Also they can disrupt their classes and teachers when they enter the classroom and this can cause embarrassment for the child.


The start of the day is at 8:55am. Children arriving after this time have to enter school through the main entrance, where their parent/carer will have to fill in a Lateness Form held at Reception. Children must be accompanied to the office by an adult if late. It is unfair to expect children to report their late arrival for themselves.


The parents of children who are persistently late for school will be sent a letter informing them of this unacceptable situation. Persistent latecomers will be referred to the Education Welfare Officer. Where children show an improvement in punctuality they will be rewarded in school assemblies/class.


  • Love
  • Respect
  • Faith
  • Inspire
  • Achieve
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