Our school is in the middle of a residential area and parking can be difficult at times.
We ask all parents to be courteous to our neighbours by not blocking their driveways, not even for a few minutes.
Also, it has been noted that some parents are parking illegally on the zigzag yellow lines outside school. Please can we remind you not to park here for the safety of all our children. The traffic warden will also be operating in this area.
Staff car park must not be used by parents under any circumstances.
Park & Stride Location
The manager at Aldi on Swinton Old Road has kindly allowed our parents to use the supermarket car park for morning drop offs and afternoon pick-ups. This is a very generous gesture and would allow you to have five extra minutes to walk and talk with your children and others friends and families. There is a strict limit in the car park of 1 ½ hours which the manager has asked us not to abuse as the parking company will issue fines.