WOW Walk To School September Update
The first badges have been handed out to the children for all those that achieved the targets set for Walking, Biking, Scootering, Catching the Bus or Parking & Striding to school.
We have set the challenge for at least ONCE a week travelling to school without using the car and parking outside the school gates or on the roads around the school.
Mornings are extremely busy for many parents but how about the afternoon pick up?
Could we leave the car in the two designated Park & Stride locations? (Morrisons and Victoria Park) and walk with the children?
Find out about their day?
What has made their day brilliant?
What was the best thing about the day?
Chat with friends?
See other parents that we may not have seen in a while?
Take a ten minute breather from our hectic world?
Catch up on the afternoon shop and get the kids working for their dinner?
So the October challenge has already started and the school would love to see EVERY single child earning their badges.
So if the mornings are busy for you, then the afternoons will count towards the badge.
Your child would love the badge to wear proudly and it means an extra ten minutes of quality time with family.
Let's smash it this month!