WOW Walk To School Badge Competition 2020
The School continues to take part in the WOW Walk to School Challenge. Children qualify each week by just walking ONCE to OR from school and ditching the car. We have lots of children currently making use of the Park & Stride locations at Aldi & Morrisons and quite a number are riding their bikes each day.
Now for the Fun Part!
Our annual badge design competition gives pupils the chance to design the 11 WOW badges. Last year, we had over 100,000 entries making it one of the biggest design competitions for children in the UK.
WOW is our year-round walk to school challenge. Those who walk to school at least once a week for a month earn a WOW badge. There are 11 to collect across the year.
Simply encourage your child to draw any wonder of the world - natural or built by humankind - on the badge template overleaf. Scan or send the designs to us and we'll turn 11 winning entries into more than 400,000 badges to be awarded to WOW pupils across the UK next year.
Up to £500* free WOW resources for 11 winning schools, plus 5 additional schools selected by prize draw .
Trophies for winners and highly commended runners-up .
Be big, bold and colourful!
WOW badges are only 3cm, so simple designs without people or small details in them work best! .
Trademarks, logos, images of Strider will not qualify for the competition .
Winning designs will be digitally recreated, so pupils can use pencil, crayons or pens
Have a look at some of the winning designs from 2019.