What a fabulous Arts Week we've had!
Well we've come to the end of another wonderful Arts Week and we have proven to everyone we can still have an incredibly creative week even at home. We are extremely proud of all your amazing efforts, achievements and creations made throughout the week.
The Lowry are asking Salford residents of any age to share their creative responses to the lockdown; these could be poems, stories, videos, photos or artwork. The work will be shared online until they re-open & then they will be displayed in the gallery. We will certainly be sending all our fabulous work from this week and will be sharing our St Mary's Street project when it's finished (so keep sharing your house creations with us up until the 10th July). For more information visit https://thelowry.com/dayslikethese/
Thank you to all those who shared your Arts Week work with us. You can view this work in our online Gallery (under the Children tab above) and will still add to these as photos come in to us. We have seen such a magnificent range of art and craft creations, drama, singing and dance performances, photography, fashion and design skills which have not only been an inspiration to your friends but your teachers too. So many of you have discovered new talents and skills and we just couldn't be prouder of all our St Mary's mates. Very well done everyone!