Wednesday Word with Year 1
Today we heard a story about two people. The first was rich and had plenty of food to eat every day. The second was poor and longed for something to eat.
This story helped us to see how to treat one another. God created the world with enough food for everyone. But we are not sharing fairly. Some of us have more food than we can eat, like the rich man. Some of us go to bed hungry, like Lazarus, the poor man.
CAFOD is helping people around the world to make sure that they have enough to eat now and in the future.
Every person in the world is special and loved by God. And every person in our big global family has the right to enough food for a healthy life. People might be hungry because they aren’t able to grow food, or they don’t have enough money to buy food. Sometimes farmers cannot afford the seeds they need. Sometimes storms or floods destroy their harvest.
Hunger is a big problem. And it’s not easy to solve. Sometimes we ignore problems, hoping they will go away. The rich man in Jesus’ story is a bit like this. He ignores the fact that Lazarus is hungry, even though Lazarus is right outside his gate.
God asks us not to ignore each other, but to help one another. Together, we can solve problems.
We ended our worship with this closing prayer:
Generous God, thank you for creating this world with enough food for all to share. Help us to play our part in making sure that all people can have their fair share of food to eat. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.