Vote For Our School
At St Mary’s we are very lucky to have such wonderful grounds for the children to play, explore and learn in. We want to continue to make this an even better environment for our children.
As we push to become an award winning Eco School we are looking to continue with the development of the allotment area. We have plans to incorporate bug hotels, a water feature and pond and hopefully a poly tunnel so we can get the children growing the seedlings early.
Each month Salford Council runs the Good Cause Award. We have yet to win it but the money provided would help us achieve Stage 2 of the area.
Please do vote for your school – 260 plus children could potentially mean close to 500 votes if parents/carers/grandparents/family friends are willing to spend a couple of minutes to click and confirm an email.
Voting closes on the 2nd September so please if you can spare a couple of minutes over the summer holidays we could be winners!
Kind Regards
Mr Chadwick, Mr Sabatino and the Eco Team
Here’s how it is done:
click on the following link
- Select your preferred area in the city
- Select your preferred cause in this area
- Click vote
- Insert your email – click vote
- You will receive an email into your inbox asking you to confirm your vote – click confirm (if this is not done the vote will not be counted)
Voting completed – you will receive no further emails regarding this.