STEAM Success Story
I would like to say a huge 'well done' to Seren and Neiva in Year 5 for their fantastic STEAM Challenge work. They have researched fantastic moths and have rescued a baby hedgehog too! Please read their story below and take a look at the amazing photographs.
Mrs Kinman
We haven't seen a butterfly in our garden for a while due to the weather. However a couple of weeks ago we came across the Attacus Atlas moth online. We were so fascinated by its defence strategies, including the one where its wing tips look like cobras heads! Amazing!
Here are some amazing facts about this wonderful moth which originates in Asia.
With regards to an animal homes, we have had a couple of hedgehog homes in our garden for two years, one is a wooden house for sleeping and another is a feeding station. About four weeks ago there was a little six week old baby hedgehog wandering around our garden in the daytime.
Sadly, this was not good for the hedgehog because they should never be out during the day so we moved it to the feeding station and trapped it in there until we could get it to safety (a hedgehog rescue centre).
The feeding station was made using a plastic storage box where we made a doorway by carefully cutting a hole at one end and taping up the edges so there were no sharp bits that could harm hedgehogs.
We leave food there often and have visitors almost every night. It only has one floor, however there is a regular trail in our grass that leads up to the hedgehog's home. Sometimes we set up a night camera and watch them as they stroll about and clumsily fall into the food bowls. They're so so cute.
The baby hedgehog was fed and given water before travelling for over an hour to the rescue centre. Isn't it gorgeous. It'll be released back into the wild after the winter season when it is big enough to look after itself.
Here is a link to find out how to make a hedgehog feeding station,
Seren and Neiva