SLnF's Appeal to Raise Funds
Salford Loaves and Fishes welcomes anyone and everyone to its Drop-In Centre, which caters for homeless, isolated, and vulnerable people in Salford and beyond. An average of 100 people use the Centre every day it opens.
SLnF aims to embrace and empower people, meet their needs, and offer them hope.
SLnF offers a warm and safe environment with access to the following services:
- Hot food and drinks
- Clothing and toiletries
- Dental Surgery
- GP surgery and Practice Nurse
- Citizens Advice Bureau
- Community Alcohol Team, Drugs Clinic & Needle Exchange
- Personal support and advice
- Smoking reduction support
SLnF also offers the following activities for clients:
- Pool
- Bingo
- Gardening
- Arts and Crafts
- Games and Quiz
- Regular trips and outings
We are currently fundraising to open for an additional day a week. Can you help us?
1 Paddington Close, Salford. M6 5PL
0161 737 8775