Safer Internet Day in Year 2
On Tuesday 7th February Year 2 took part in several activities linked to Safer Internet Day. One of our activities was linked to Kim and Lee’s adventures from As a class we watched Kim and Lee’s adventures online and how some websites allow us to talk to strangers. We discussed the importance of keeping our personal information to ourselves: including full name, age, telephone number, address and school address. In one part of the video we looked at how gamers almost wear masks online. Some choose the mask to hide behind and bully others, which led to a discussion on what to do if someone is being mean to us online, but also how we have a responsibility to be kind to others online just like in real life. We also discussed how we can’t prove who it is we are talking to online and how we should never share our personal information with them. We made our very own masks and role played what to do if we were in one of these situations. If you would like more information about keeping your child safe on the internet please visit: