Safer Internet Day 2017
Today was the national Safer Internet Day, a day that is very important to our school and pupils. Safer Internet Day is run by the INSAFE network and is celebrated every year across Europe, and in other countries worldwide.
Today the children researched and discussed the many positives of the internet and the issues that children and young people face online today. We talked about the different ways we use the internet and all the different devices we can use to access it. The sessions really helped us to decide how we should keep information private and not public when online.
Children in Key Stage 1 watched animations that follows the adventures of two children – ‘Lee and Kim’ – who are playing an online game on a computer where they meet several animal characters. One character asks them “what school do you go to?” and before they have the chance to answer – our superhero ‘SID’ appears in a flash to warn Lee and Kim they may be putting themselves at risk. The kids don’t understand why SID is kicking up such a fuss – so SID decides to take them ‘for a ride’. The kids are magically sucked through the computer screen and into ‘cyberspace’. Here they have the ability to see the real people controlling the animals in the online game and with SID’s help – recognise the warning signs. Further details about the messages from Lee and Kim are available on the Think U Know website –
Children in Key Stage 2 watched and talked about, Play Like Share, which is a brand new three-episode animated series from the CEOP, Think U Know website, which aims to help 8-10 year olds learn how to stay safe from sexual abuse, exploitation and other risks they might encounter online.
The series follows the adventures of Sam, Ellie and Alfie as they form a band and enter their school’s Battle of the Bands contest, taking on the mean but ‘cool’ Popcorn Wizards as they go. The three friends learn that while the internet can help them in pursuit of their goal, they need to use it wisely and safely.
The children were very engaged throughout and discussions were very honest as they became more aware of how to stay safe online, whichever device they may be using from tablets to online gaming.
If you require more information about online gaming, abuse, texting, privacy settings please use the links below:
Safer Internet Day website:
For parents wishing to report online issues that are a concern: and also
Parent Info Website for further advice and information:
Staying Safe when online gaming using playstations –
If you have any other concerns please do contact your child’s class teacher.