Please help our school. Funding has almost gone!
Please help the school in a final round of voting for our worthy cause in sustaining and improving the allotment and the Forest School area. The Salford Council funding for worthy causes has almost run out and as the old saying goes; ‘When it’s gone, it’s gone!’
Please vote for the school which is quick and simple and hopefully we will receive some much needed funds to really improve the environmental areas in the school grounds. These areas are used by ALL the children and with each class now enjoying Forest School activities, equipment is vital to make these the best possible sessions.
Please vote for the school by 10 December by following this link:
How to vote
To vote you’ll just need a working email address and follow these three steps:
- Choose the school (which is down near the bottom of the list) and click ‘Vote’
- Enter your email address
- Open the email you’ll be sent and click the confirm vote link.
Please pass on the details via social media and get friends and family members to vote and hopefully we will have an early christmas present!