Parent Email
Dear Parents/Carers,
You should have all received the following email yesterday. Please can you check your emails and complete the questionnaire. Thank you.
The Email:
Dear Parents/Carers,
As I suggested in my letter last Monday 11th May, I have been awaiting further guidance and clarity from the Department for Education regarding the re-opening of schools, as outlined in the Prime Minister’s address on Sunday evening. The guidance arrived and it included the introduction of the Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6.
I now need a careful, measured and methodical plan that's built around the highest safety standards so that our school can do everything in its power to reduce the risks posed to all our pupils, parents and staff.
The purpose of this letter is to try and establish the numbers of pupils that will require a place for after half term from 8th June because we are unable to accommodate all of our pupils’ whilst maintaining their safety and social distancing protocols.
Before making your decision please consider very carefully the following points that may help in your decision making:
> Every child that can be safely cared for at home should be
> You will not be fined for non-attendance
> School is not compulsory at this stage
> Siblings in other classes cannot be accommodated
> A large number of children will not be with their usual teacher
> Lots of the children will not be in their usual classroom
>Places will be part time with staggered starting and finishing hours
To summarise, please consider your decision carefully before completing the online form below. Trust us to make the right decision. We all have your children’s best interests at heart, together with the safety of all our staff. If you request a place, there is no guarantee that you will receive one, I may have to prioritise places.
Please complete the following questionnaire:
The closing date for return of the survey is Wednesday 20th May by 12 noon.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Raynor