Healthy Luchbox
At St Mary’s we hold the ‘Healthy School’ award and continue to promote healthy lifestyles throughout our curriculum. We ask for all pupils bringing in their own snack and/or packed lunch that it is a healthy snack and/or well balanced diet avoiding sweets, chocolate or crisps. Please can small fruit be chopped to avoid potential choking.
The NHS provide healthy lunchbox ideas here:
Although we have many allergy sufferers across the school, a small number of our children and staff have nut allergies that in some cases are so severe that they could potentially lead to loss of life from anaphylaxis or anaphylactic shock. Just a trace amount can threaten some of the children’s lives. Parents of children with this condition are obviously extremely anxious and as a school we have a duty of care that we take extremely seriously, as we do with all children and their families.
We therefore politely request that you avoid providing nuts and products containing nuts for your children to consume in school as a snack or as part of your children’s lunch. Please can you also avoid sending cakes containing nuts for charity sales and sweets containing nuts bought in for birthdays etc. This will also apply to adults working in the school. Please note that this includes peanut butter and all Nutella type products and, if eaten at home before school, hands must be washed thoroughly to further reduce contamination.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support.