Good Friday Celebration Assembly
Today is Good Friday when we remember how Jesus died for us.
Prayer For Good Friday
Lord Jesus, thank you for redeeming me through Your suffering on the cross.
Have mercy on me, wash me from my sins. Help me to live a life pleasing to You and in line with the Father's Holy Will.
With the Blesses Virgin Mary and all the saints, may I end this earthly journey worthy of eternal life.
Well done to you all for continuing to work at home, the teachers are finding it very difficult to choose weekly winners!
This week's Purple Mash Starts of the week are:
Nursery = Erin B
Reception = William N
Year 1 = Lucas W
Year 2 = Lilyana H-J
Year 3 = Scarlett F
Year 4 = Orla B
Year 5 = Emma C
Year 6 = Oliver H
Bravo Bravissimo Very Well Done!
This week's Class Winners for Spelling Shed and Maths Shed are:
Spelling Shed = Year 4!
Maths Shed = Year 4!
Well done Year 4, top of the school for the second week running!
May you have a blessed Good Friday with your loved ones.
Stay home, stay safe, stay in Prayer.