Get involved in Clean Air Day!
Salford City Council and Transport for Greater Manchester would love you to participate in Greater Manchester’s first ever Clean Air Day (15th June 2017) which is raising awareness of air pollution and its impacts on health. We want to encourage everyone to think of ways to help cut their contribution to pollution as well as ways to protect our health. Because children’s lungs are still developing, children’s health is particularly at risk from air pollution which is why we are trying to engage with as many schools in the district as possible.
Did you know?
If we could remove all the man made particles that pollute the air, children born today would live about 6 months longer (Source: Committee on the Medical Effects of Air Pollutants).
How can you get involved?
You can go online to the National Clean Air Day website to download a toolkit, containing ready-made lesson plans that mean you can get involved from spending as little time in class as 1-2 hours. The website is: and it also contains:
- Resources for organising a School Gate vehicle idling campaign;
- Downloadable posters and flyers; and
- Resources to help running school activities.
There is also a Clean Air Day competition which involves a group of children making a 60 second advert to help explain the dangers that poor air quality can have on our health and the easy things everybody can do to reduce pollution. Participating schools will have the chance to see the advert screened in HOME cinema (near Deansgate in Manchester city centre) and to win some fabulous cycling prizes. There’s loads of additional information to help you write and produce your advert on the below Ucreate website once you’ve registered.