Friday Celebration Assembly
Good morning everyone,
We hope you've all had a fantastic ARTS week! Thank you to Mrs Murphy for creating the daily timetables packed with activities and sending them to all your purple mash accounts! Looking at all the wonderful photos you send, you're having as much fun at home as we are in school!
Although it has been ARTs week many of you have continued to work through your purple mash, spelling shed and maths shed activities. So we still have this weeks winners:
Purple Mash Stars of the week:
Nursery = Jace
Reception = James K
Year 1 = Charlie D
Year 2 = Alex Y
Year 3 = Isabella G
Year 4 = Maisie-Rae
Year 5 = Lorenzo
Year 6 = Jaden
Bravo Bravo Bravo Bravissimo Very Well Done!
This week's class winners are:
Spelling Shed = Year 5
Maths Shed = Year 4
Well Done to both classes!
It has been really nice to meet our new nursery and reception pupils who are due to join St Mary's Mates in September. We have arranged a very 'different to normal' transition for them over the last two weeks and we still have many more to meet before the end of term. We can't wait to welcome them all properly in September, parents please monitor the 'new starters for September' page on the website.
We are currently organising a 'social distance' good bye to our wonderful Year 6 for the last week of term. More information will be emailed soon.
Can we just say a big THANK YOU to all the parents who have been sending in gifts for the staff it is so kind of you all. Also for all your emails of thanks, we really do appreciate them, it makes us so proud to be part of St Mary's.
You should have received an email containing a short survey about the home learning, we really appreciate your feedback on this as we make changes for the future. Also a letter updating you about September has been emailed to you and saved on the COVID19 page of the website. From the Governments guidance that came out yesterday we are now planning for September. Our plans will be shared with you via email and again saved on the website when they are ready. Thank you for your continued patience.
School Reports have been completed and will be emailed to you during the last week of term. If you are not receiving emails from school or if you have changed your email address please call the school office to update your records before the end of term (Friday 17th July)
Enjoy today's ARTs week activities everyone! Have a great weekend!