Friday Celebration Assembly
Good morning everyone,
We hope you all had a good rest over the half term holiday and have enjoyed this week being back to home learning!
The staff have been very busy over the last couple of weeks preparing school for a safe return for more pupils.
We welcomed bubble 1 on Monday and bubble 2 on Wednesday and they have all been fantastic social distancing super stars, it was lovely to see so many new faces! Although school looks very different and the school routine has changed, all pupils have taken it in their stride and shown how resilient they are! We are very proud of them. Next week we welcome bubble 3 and bubble 4. The pupils in school have the same access to all the learning activities as the pupils at home.
This week's Purple Mash Stars of the week are:
Nursery = Noah F
Reception = Harry C
Year 1 =Ava B
Year 2 = Alexander O
Year 3 = George C
Year 4 = Lucy D
Year 5 = Emma C
Year 6 = Niamh P
Bravo Bravo Bravo Bravissimo Very Well Done!
Mr Loynd and Mr Chadwick would like to mention Stan and Frankie as they have worked together on a local history project and it is fantastic! Very well done boys or should we say historians!
This week's class winners are:
Spelling Shed = Year 6
Maths Shed = Year 6
Huge congratulations you have taken the lead in both!
This week 'Pack 3' of home learning has been added to the school website plus many more resources under the 'whole school' section for you to explore!
Parents have all now received an email from Mrs Kinman and pupils will have received a purple mash email from their teacher explaining the Oak Academy Lessons. We have had some photos already of you enjoying these lessons, thank you all for those, it is wonderful to see. Please keep sharing your home learning with us on our twitter page @st_swinton
New Tabs have been added to the 'Parent' section of the website 'COVID19' we have saved all the letters and information we have emailed to you throughout this pandemic. Also 'EYFS New Starters September 2020' here we will be adding information all about transition for our new nursery and reception pupils. We do not know what September will look like yet but we will keep you updated the best we can. Mrs Taylor, our Early Years Coordinator will also be in touch soon.
Year 6 pupils please see the 'Transition' Pack in your home learning section. We are also busy communicating with all your different high schools at the moment, you should hear from them all soon.
Have a fantastic Friday and an even better weekend! Keep up the hard work everyone, look after each other and stay safe!