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St Mary's R.C.

Primary School

Rooted in the Gospel Values and the vision of Saint Mary. Saint Mary tells us "God is love and He loves us as we are."

Easter Triduum

A message from Father Paul:


A reminder that we are about to enter the Easter Triduum, the three days celebration of the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus,the heart of our Faith.

You can access our celebrations

by link to Zoom – details at bottom of page.


Thursday 9 April

Maundy Thursday

7.00pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper.

At the end of this Mass there will be an image left on the screen

as we won’t have an Altar of Repose.

The image is simply a focus for quiet prayer that you might find useful for your personal or family prayer. It will be left up for thirty minutes.

Friday 10 April 20

Celebration of the Lord’s Passion

“Good Friday”

3.00pm celebration of the Lord’s Passion,

including the reading of the Passion

please join in the crowd parts.

As there will be no communal veneration of the Cross,

instead I invite you to have a cross with you.

Saturday 11 April

Holy Saturday

A day of devotion with Jesus in the tomb.


Mass of the Easter Vigil

Including blessing of the Easter Candle

and Renewal of Baptism Promises.

Sunday 12 April

Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord.

10.00am Mass of Easter Day.


Zoom instructions.

We now have a permanent link for Sunday Mass: – you can join from 30 minutes before celebration.

If that doesn't work for you (some iPads had problems last week, you may have to click 'join meeting' and enter the meeting ID which is 710 235 185. This will also work for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil.


Do not use the following information for Mass, but:

If you want to test Zoom or simply talk to someone else in the parish at any time, you can visit the parish meeting room which is: 

PLEASE DON'T TRY TO USE THIS FOR MASS as it won't work! Be aware that after 40 minutes you'll be thrown off, but you can immediately just click the link again. In case you need it, the meeting ID is: 921 685 915


  • Love
  • Respect
  • Faith
  • Inspire
  • Achieve
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