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St Mary's R.C.

Primary School

Rooted in the Gospel Values and the vision of Saint Mary. Saint Mary tells us "God is love and He loves us as we are."

Celebration Assembly

Good morning everyone,


We've made it to the end of a very unusual term at last!

We can't thank you all enough for your hard work, creativity, resilience, support and smiles along the way!


You are all Super Stars but for the very last time our Purple Mash Stars of the week are:

Nursery = Olivia

Reception = Maksy

Year 1 = Rowen

Year 2 = Oliver

Year 3 = Seren and Neiva

Year 4 = Isabella

Year 5 = George S

Year 6 = Niamh P

Bravo Bravo Bravo Bravissimo Very Well Done!


This week's Class Winners are:

Spelling Shed = Year 5

Maths Shed = Year 4



This week we have been very busy...we hope you all enjoyed your Class Farewell Zoom Parties, it was so nice to see everyone's face and hear what you have been up to! 

It was great to see Year 6 in person as they came to the school field for a social distancing garden party! You have been fantastic Year 6 and your St Mary's Mates will miss you all very much. Staff have a put a special send off video in the gallery for you! Good luck on your adventures to high school and the future.


This week parents should have received:

  • Your child's school report.
  • Two surveys to complete:



Thank you so much for your cooperation with this.

Later today you will receive our PLAN for September, this will also be saved to the school website under the COVID19 page. Please ensure you read this before returning in September.


Have a fantastic summer everyone, keep safe and continue to look after one another.


See you from the 7th September! 



  • Love
  • Respect
  • Faith
  • Inspire
  • Achieve
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