A Frank Cottrell-Boyce fun challenge (with CAFOD Summer of Hope)
This morning we received a special letter from CAFOD, containing an exciting opportunity for you to get creative with the famous children's author, Frank Cottrell-Boyce. You might have read some of Frank's books already - Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Runaway Robot and Sputnik's Guide to Life on Earth are some of his best-known books, although he has written lots of others too.
When Frank was your age, he attended a Catholic Primary school, just like you (his was called St. Bartholomew's), and now he is challenging you to join in with him by taking part in the CAFOD Summer of Hope Campaign.
It's really easy to get involved. Just follow the instructions below.
Frank Cottrell Boyce and the CAFOD Summer of Hope Challenge
Think about your life during lockdown:
What has given you hope during this challenging time?
It might be an object, an activity, a person, a phrase, or an idea.
Your challenge: in just one word, or one sentence, tell us what has given you hope.
You can use pictures or designs to illustrate your words.
If you’ve put your ideas down on paper and you want to send a photo of it, that’s fine too!
Frank is going to collect all of your ideas together and will write a short piece describing what you children have said you are hopeful about.
Before emailing your work in, please make sure that you have included your first name, your age, and your town.
Finally: Please ask permission from an adult to email your ideas to schools@cafod.org.uk before Monday July 27th .
Please note, by sending in your submission (whether written or a drawn) you give CAFOD permission to reproduce it for use for this project, and others, including media work. You can find full details in the attached PDF document being sent out to you on Purple Mash email.
REALLY IMPORTANT: DON'T send your work into school, or to your teacher on Purple Mash email. You MUST send it to the CAFOD email address above for it to be entered into the challenge.
Good luck!
Mr Loynd