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St Mary's R.C.

Primary School

Rooted in the Gospel Values and the vision of Saint Mary. Saint Mary tells us "God is love and He loves us as we are."

House Point System


At St Mary’s we run a house point system to encourage pupils to work together as a team and to always strive to do their very best in whatever they undertake.


There are four houses, Fatima, Lourdes, Knock and Walsingham, named after the shrines to Our Lady. From year one upwards, children are assigned to one of the houses.


During the week the children strive to attain as many house points as they can for their house. House points totals are  announced at each Celebration assembly and the winning team for the week receives the trophy.


The house with the most points at the end of each half term also receives a treat.


House Captains are selected from Year Six.


Children present themselves to the whole school during assembly time and are voted in by their peers.  These pupils channel their enthusiasm into organised team events and celebrations.  They also help at the end of playtimes to organise other year groups when lining up.

  • Love
  • Respect
  • Faith
  • Inspire
  • Achieve
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